A Vision For The Future of IDO’s

Some blue-sky thinking…

Tom littler
Oct 27, 2021

A Vision For The Future of IDO’s

Some blue-sky thinking…

Sometimes it can be easy to get bogged down in the details. Vetting launches, writing product requirements, bug-fixing and the like. Today, I wanted to take some time for one of my favourite past-times — blue-sky thinking. I want to imagine a vision of what a real best in class IDO looks like, free from the constraints of existing solutions.

The Worlds Best IDO

One of the problems with current IDO’s is that the experience is so dispersed. You have Telegram channels from both the launchpad and the launching company. You have the launchpad site, the company site, you have articles and AMA’s

What if you could leverage the metaverse to bring everything together in one single space. To foster a real sense of community?

I think the IDO’s of the future will take place in virtual worlds such as Decentraland. Imagine. Lithium has its own, virtual ‘IDO House’. In this house, anyone who wants to participate in the IDO can enter. The bouncers (big burly avatars) would verify your wallet address against the staking smart contract, if you have enough $EBSC staked, you can join the party.

In the IDO house, you'd be able to access absolutely everything you need. There would be multiple rooms with fireside chats. In one room, you have the founder CEO, talking product vision, in another, you have the lead dev education people on the technology. You can sit down, chill out and listen to that chat, asking any question you like with a Q&A at the end.

Moving through the IDO House, you have the due diligence room. Here whitepapers, research documents, and past AMA’s are all available in an archive of information you could browse at your own pace.

Of course, one of the main benefits of having everyone under the same virtual roof would be the natural conversations that would develop. Hundreds of potential investors would be able to have their avatars converse with each other, sharing thoughts on the upcoming IDO, trading tips and insights.

When it came to the IDO private sale opening, there would be no need to leave the IDO House, I mean, that’s what it’s made for. You’d simply walk up to the trading desk, deposit your BNB’s and watch the progress of the IDO through a projector screen that was front and centre for everyone to see. Fireworks would go off at 100% subscription, or any celebratory method the founding team chose!

After the IDO finished the founding team could give their closing remarks, giving the investment community a timeline for what to expect. A final cheers would echo through the IDO house to mark the completion of the IDO!

How Lithium Will Get Here

Ironically, while I was in the middle of this call I had a chat with one of our upcoming launchpad projects, who are operating in the virtual world / metaverse space. They exist to provide incredible decentralised, VR experiences and will be working closely with Lithium to make our dreams a reality, but more about them later in the week…

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